Outcomes of the first conference of the network

Dear All members & Viewers,

It is our pleasure to anounce that the first conference of the “Bioethics Network on Women’s issues in the Arab region” was sucessfully held in Cairo, on 7 & 8 December 2011.

Agenda of the conference: Bioethics Network 1st Conference Agenda

Outcomes of this conference were:

– Discussion on specific topics such as pre-marital genetic test, female genitale mutilation, women’s health care challenges in the Arab region. Presentations of the key speakers to come soon on this blog.

– Discussion on the mission, objectives and structure of the network. Many ideas have been shared to implement a functioning network. Full report coming soon on this blog.

– Composition of a task-force / interim committee in charge of drafting the mission, the objectives and the structure of the network, to be submitted for approval to the community of members within 6 months.

If you are interested to participate in our network as well and become a member, please send a mail to arab.bioethics(at)unesco.org.

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6 Responses to Outcomes of the first conference of the network

  1. Pingback: GRACE Egypt Researcher Nagwa Abdel Meguid participated in UNESCO regional Conference round table | GRACE News Blog

  2. Thank you for all members involved in arranging and organizing for this successful informative meeting. Indeed, t was a pleasure and a thrill to be part of it. I am looking forward to receive the guidelines for implementing the ideas and plans brought forward by the Network Steering Committee and will make every effort to focus on achieving our objectives and goals. I wish all participants good luck in fulfilling their responsibilities and to feed the network with their valuable inputs for solving some of the women health issues and dilemmas in the Arab world.
    Mariam A.G. Dashti

    • Amal Mokhtar - Egypt says:

      It was a real pleasure to be a part of this meeting. I really enjoyed the discussions and the presentations.

  3. Jenny Jeehan Nasr says:

    I was really honored to be a part of this great successful conference. I learned a lot from the precious contributions of all the experts. I hope this conference to be a great step on the way of launching the Bioethics Network on Women Issues in the Arab Region. I’m sure that the cooperation, enthusiasm and team spirit will help the interim committee to achieve its goals in the expected time.

  4. It was an honour and pleasure to be part of this wonderful successuful meeting, I really enjoyed the discussions and the presentations. The conference included a gathering of expertise from different Arab countries as well as from EU and Canada. Looking forward to the next step and I am sure with the experienced participants and their enthusiasm we will achieve our goals by working all together.

    Please keep it moving and accept all my sincer regards.

  5. It was a real pleasure and honor to be a part of this meeting. I hope we can achieve what we are expected to do within the given time frame. We have the expertise and the commitment needed to make them happen.

    Stay in touch and keep it rolling!! Best wishes.

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